Meet Selonge Umugwaneza, a Rwandan beauty and a fan of #LuvTouchManjano. She tells her fellow #millennial that beauty is not only about physical appearances, rather beauty reflects your personality. Selonge is wearing LuvTouch Manjano Powder & Foundation #5 Kahawia. She is also wearing LuvTouch Moisturizing Lipstick #9. Solange thinks the LuvTouch Manjano powder is awesome!
Who are you? Can you tell us about yourself?
Solange a Rwandan born aspiring woman in leadership has lived all her life in Belgium. She speaks Dutch, French, Rwandese and a little bit of Spanish. She holds 2 degrees, a bachelor degree in Business Management, a Masters degree in Business Management and currently she is undertaking a Masters degree in Development studies where she is doing a Thesis on Youth Enterpreneurship in Tanzania.

What does your typical day look like?
This true Rwandesee beauty doesn’t takes one day at a time. She says her important meal of the day is breakfast. She never misses her breakfast, as we all know those who don’t eat breakfast could potentially be doing more harm to their bodies than good. After breakfast she gets to work on preparing her thesis or work on the internship.
What is your biggest accomplishment in your life so far?
Her biggest accomplishment is that she started her own NGO with the help of her brother. The aim of the NGO is to help young students to get employment. She says it is difficult for African youth who relocate abroad to get jobs in Europe due to various reasons including racism. Her NGO helps to introduce them to potential employers or to get jobs.
What does beauty mean to you?
For Solange, beauty to her is twofold, the inner and outer beauty and to be really beautiful to her then you need to have both. You cant just have a beautiful face or appearance and have a bad character. The way of how you reflect your personality showcases your beauty more. 
What advice do you have for girls and young women?
Her advice to young girls is not to pay attention to what people say about you, especially if you are doing something right or great for your career and future. Because sometimes you have your own passion and path, and others may think a different path is better for you, so if you think the path that you are taking is something you like and can work for you, just continue doing it and never give up because what people say sometimes may confuse and ruin your whole life if it is something you may do to please people. You may stop to do something that you were doing and do something else that you don’t like and will never like doing.
We at Manjano Foundation celebrate Solange and wish her all the best in her career, in her life and her dedication to helping other young Africans enter the job market in Europe, something which best defines her as an upcoming and aspiring African woman in leadership.
Very inspiring indeed. Thank you so much for the advise Solange. I agree that beauty is both inner and the physical