Over the years we have seen the evolution of makeup. From face powders to lipsticks, eye shadow, etc. companies are trying so hard to come up with the best cosmetics for their customers, and women are enjoying these accessories. But throughout the years there has been a controversy surrounding women who use make up. Apparently, most people are of the view that women use make-up to hide their flaws, they are not comfortable in their own skin, and natural does not appeal to them! Notwithstanding the cultural variation, some physical characteristics are generally considered universal markers of beauty. Also, research has shown that skin homogeneity and facial similarity, both signs of good health, have wide appeal (Fink, Grammer, & Thornhill, 2001; Thornhill & Gangestad, 1993) potentially explaining why it’s considered attractive. For us make up is one of the ways to show yourself and people around you that you actually care for yourself. With tasks and work getting heavier and heavier each day, it’s hard to keep up and still care for yourself to apply make up. It takes a lot of determination, courage and strength to be able to devote time to apply make up on your busy schedule. They put effort to appear their best, now that’s self-love at work. Off course it doesn’t mean people who don’t wear makeup lack that dedication, they just choose not to care. In this category however, there are those who apply too much make up and end up looking ridiculous. This group of individuals is the ones who probably initiate the idea in people that when you apply make-up it means you are insecure. So as a generalization, we would say, it has nothing to do with insecurities and more to do with inexperience and inability to get the effect they were after. And off course the mistakes of family and friends who watch them as they step out of the house without saying a word of how bad their make-up looks. Make-up has a potentially useful role in intentional self-presentation. A recent study disclosed that women pictured wearing cosmetics were evaluated as hehealthier, more confident, and even having greater earning potential than the same women wearing no makeup (Nash, Fieldman, Hussey, Leveque, & Pineau, 2003). So, as specialists in beauty and the suppliers of the beauty products, we have seen the need to address the problem at hand. First we introduced the LuvTouch Manjano Cosmetic line and then the Manjano Beauty Academy to offer professional training about the process of enhancing ones natural beauty. The training package includes, beauty therapy, aesthetics, hairdressing, nail care and make-up application techniques. Now we are introducing a sequence of beautiful women who will be featured on our blog, they will tell us what they think about beauty, how they manage with or without make-up, their daily life routines in brief, and most importantly what they think about the controversy surrounding beauty and make up. We hope they will inspire you to take the necessary steps to be beautiful and look beautiful, and change your mind set to stop judging people who wear make-up and try their best to look flawless. Lastly, you will be inspired by their stories, of work, family and the blessings of being a phenomenal woman.