Jaimine Popat is an aspiring medical doctor. She was born in Zanzibar and currently residing in Dar es Salaam for the past 3 years. At present she is a student at the University of Dar es Salaam Medical School undergoing her degree in Medicine and hopes to complete her studies by 2018. In her free time she loves to enjoy herself by going to the beach, do random shopping and off course, dressing up.
What does your typical day look like?
Everyday is just complicated for me because I have just started my clinical routine and I don’t have fixed planned activities to do for the day. My routines demand that we move around a lot, sometimes we have to go really far e.g. Mkuranga district hospital, its hot and you know the heat of Dar es Salaam and how the weather is at the moment. So we keep on changing, actually, after every two months we change our rotations to different destinations.
What does beauty mean to you?
Beauty is being confident. When you’re beautiful you are confident to walk out freely, and it is easier to talk with people and make conversations because you’re confident in how you look. Beauty is also how you carry yourself around people.

How do you feel about make up and the controversy behind it?
People get it twisted; I don’t think wearing make up is hiding your flaws. And it does not certainly mean that a person is not confident enough. Make up is what every little girl wishes to do, it is fun. This generation loves make up and I don’t think it’s a bad thing. It’s just normal and we should go with the flow as long as it does not affect your work and studies.
How do you pamper yourself and maintain your appearance despite work, family errands?
As I already mentioned that my day is a busy one, a typical day is sweaty, and I prefer to use a cosmetic that is light and dry, which is easy to maintain throughout the day.
If you where given a chance to use LuvTouch Manjano products, which ones would you use and why?
I think I would go for the powder for the fact that it is oil control, so with the heat and my busy schedule, it will fit perfectly. I wouldn’t want to look oily.

What advice do you have for girls and young women?
To every little girl, I have been passing through the same situations as well. Take note that beauty lies within you, be who you are, don’t try to be what someone else wants you to be. Be natural, use make up, however you like it, it’s your right to. Don’t overuse it though. Be confident and natural. Make sure you make your parents proud.