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Sarah Clementina is a young and enthusiastic Masaai lady from Arusha. Born and raised in Arusha, Clementina started her academic career at Green Acres Primary School and worked her way to Kimochi Girls Secondary School for her A-Levels before completing her O-Levels at St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Secondary School. Clementina is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in Banking and Finance at The Institute of Finance Management.

What does beauty mean to you?
Beauty is an instant attraction! If we are to go by the saying, "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder," then we can wonder why some are considered beautiful and others ugly. So to me beauty is what you instantly see as attractive and appealing to your eyes.

If you were given a chance to use LuvTouch Manjano products, which one would you use and why?
If I were given a chance to use LuvTouch Manjano products, I would choose the powder. The powder is like a 2-in-1 product for me. I like to use it as both a powder and a foundation. I apply it dry with a makeup sponge and it gives medium coverage with a matte finish. It layers well so it can also be used with a wet sponge for fuller coverage. It doesn't make my skin break out and isn't irritating.

What advice do you have for girls and young women?
Do not give up. Anybody can just give up! Whether it is an elderly person, a young person or even a child. Wanting to give up is a normal feeling, just feel that moment and endure it. When you feel like giving up, you may even feel depressed. But, there’s tomorrow. People have to realize and know that whatever it is their feeling for the moment or whatever is happening in their life it doesn’t last forever. That moment will pass. It may hurt, but after a while, the pain diminishes. So, my advice is if you want to give up about something, just remember that that moment will pass. For instance, if you wanted something and you never got it, maybe you’re going to get something even better! Perhaps you wanted something good, but maybe what is coming is the best. So, you wanted something good, you didn’t get it and now you want to give up? That’s not the right thing to do. Just pick up yourself and remember that tomorrow is a new day! Whatever you want can be achieved in many different ways, giving up is not a solution.