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Angel Saldada is an ambitious individual from Manyara and currently lives in Dar es Salaam. She attended Changombe Primary School before completing her Secondary school and finishing her O-Level studies in Moshi. Angel then spent some time in Mwanza where she completed her Advanced  Level studies. Angel speaks English, Kiswahili, some French and is currently enrolled at IFM for a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Finance.

What does your typical day look like? 
As soon as I wake up, I check the time and say my morning prayer, then I get ready fro my daily schedule or whatever is planned for the day.  So far, as a student, I would say my day is normally routine unless something interrupts with my daily routines and schedules.

What does beauty mean to you?
To me, beauty means something extra, apart from the way you were created. Beauty can be added, for instance I’ve added something extra to my face to enhance my natural beauty, this is not how I look like when I wake up every day. Beauty is how you feel inside and out that makes feel good and happy. That’s why beauty means to me.   

If you were given a chance to use LuvTouch Manjano products, which ones would you use and why?
I would have to pick the Luvtouch Manjano Powder. Why? Because, I have found that it really is what it is described to be in their advertisements and flyers, it’s easy to see and not complicated and it makes you look very beautiful with a flawless finish!

What advice do you have for girls and young women?
I would advice girls and young women to just prioritize and focus on things that they want in life. People have different perceptions about life, and as we grow we meet different kinds of people who also have different perceptions on life. Everybody who comes to cross your life is there for a reason, God put them in your life either to test you or to teach you. So when you meet people who do not share the same ideals or values about life as you do, they may confuse you and disrupt your journey. However, if you setup your prioritize, focus, work and be determined you can reach your goals and even be able to escape any temptations around. That’s all!